2. Write letters to prisoners on death row
3. Donate professional clothes to organizations that prepare low-income people for job interviews
4. Donate winter clothes for refugees who come here with only the clothes on their backs
5. Volunteer in a school in a low-income neighborhood
6. Mentor a child through Big Brothers/Big Sisters (don't forget teens-they especially need mentors)
7. Write letters to your Congressperson about issues of hunger, poverty, and education
8. Educate yourself about these issues (Bread for the World is a great resource about hunger and poverty)
9. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
10. Help start a community garden
11. Write letters to Congress about environmental degradation (Green America is another great resource)
12. Host a fundraising event through Women for Women International to help women survivors of war in different parts of Africa
13. Make a Thanksgiving basket for a low income family on Thanksgiving
14. Correct your friends and relatives when they make a prejudicial remark about someone based on race, abilities, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or what have you
15. Call someone out on slut-shaming (speaking ill of a woman based on her real or perceived sexual past)
16. Collect supplies for your local rape crisis center/volunteer at your local rape crisis center
17. Volunteer at your local hospital/hospice center/nursing home
18. Advocate for people with disabilities
19. Advocate for paid parental leave and educational/vocational opportunities for low-income people
20. Advocate for education that includes contributions by people of all backgrounds
20. Advocate for education that includes contributions by people of all backgrounds
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